Tour of the Japanese Gardens

Organic Garden Club members enjoyed visiting the Japanese Gardens, the Garden of Water and Fragrance, six and a half acres designed by Dr. Koichi Kawana at the Van Nuys Water Reclamation Plant. Our member, Jean Gutierrez, recalled being in his class on Japanese landscaping and architecture at UCLA in the 1970s. 

“Simplicity means the achievement of maximum effect with minimum means”, said Dr. Kawana. The Shoin Building, with an authentic tea house is surrounded by a tea garden with streams, geese, bamboo gardens, and textured hues of greenery. 

We appreciated the arrangement of the boulders and beauty of the foliage of the Crane Island, a symbol of longevity and good fortune. Bill revived the peach tree, one of several flowering fruit trees in the Gardens. We had fun being together!

In the streams and ponds of the Wet-Strolling Garden, we were captivated by the Water Lillies, different types of fish, and verdurous banks.  

We admired the Wet Heron Lantern representing long life, one of four hand carved stone lanterns scattered throughout the gardens.

The dry Zen meditation garden has a three-Buddha stone arrangement for everlasting happiness, dichondra covered Tortoise Island for longevity, leading to a wisteria arbor. 

The gardens are complimentary to the Tillman Administration building with souring fountains of the Water Reclamation Plant creating a happy and peaceful atmosphere for our tour.  Connecting with nature grounds you in the present moment and reminds you of the vastness and wonder of the world around you. Enrich your soul and visit your local gardens! 

After touring the Japanese Gardens, we enjoyed a yummy organic lunch at Follow Your Heart in Canoga Park.

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